November 4, 2015 is National Stress Awareness Day, who follow these seven steps you can change your life for the better.
1 Do something new:
Einstein said the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results. So with the New Year coming up, think about what you can do that’s different to the past year. Set new goals, and change something.
2. Find the ability to say yes:
To people ask you to do things and you’d say, “I’d love to but…” To develop a policy of saying yes to opportunities when they arise, can be an amazing way to make those positive changes in your life.
3. Challenge negative thoughts:
Recognise you are producing those negative thoughts. To reprogram yourself, learn to recognise when you are doing this, and think of what you would like to happen. Use your imagination to visualise how you want things to be. By focusing on what you want to happen, your brain recognises when these opportunities arise.
4. Turn things around:
When faced with a choice, it’s okay to ask other people their opinions. Take time to weigh up all your options; just don’t assume you’ve only one choice.
5. Don’t leave problems until they’re too late to change:
Procrastination is bad for the brain, soft, and why we can’t sleep at night. If you find you have a problem, think of all the ways you can solve it. And if you can’t solve it, ask someone to help you. If you have lots of things to do, learn to prioritise and deal with the most important things first.
6. Negotiate change:
If you feel stuck and you need a change, assess what you need and find ways to ask for what you want. If you don’t feel assertive enough to ask others, such as asking for a pay rise, start looking for ways and means of increasing your assertiveness.
7. Having belief in oneself:
By taking control of your life rather than relying on others, you can start doing things that make you feel good. By caring for yourself first, puts you in a better place to help others.
If you have problems with any of those seven steps, then I can help you learn to take back control, to build your self-esteem, self-belief, confidence levels and make those changes needed for you.
Call or text ‘stress’ to 07508 658934, contact me or read up more on stress management.