Today’s stress busting tip is adopt a healthier lifestyle – If we exercise regularly, eat a healthier diet, and ensure we get the right amount of sleep our brains and body are able to cope with stress better.
Eating fresh fruit and vegetables puts less stress on your body, and provides you with all the nutrients needed to keep your immune system healthy. Processed foods don’t provide the right amount of fibre for your guts to work properly and illnesses such as bowel cancer and diverticulitis can be the result.
Check your bowel movements – a health bowel should pass food in 24 hours, eating sweetcorn is a useful marker to see if this is happening. If you have constipation and diarrhea alternatively then check with your GP first to make sure it’s not a bug. It could be your diet or stress could be causing the sea saw effect from one to the other, in which case hypnotherapy is the recommended therapy by NICE.
Engaging in some form of exercise such as getting off your bus a stop before you need to may help you work off the biochemical and physical changes that occur within your body due to stress. Remember that stress is part of the fight or flight mechanism, so we are built to dissipate that energy through exercise.
Relaxation also helps your body return to its normal healthy state, and the best therapy for relaxation is Hypnotherapy, even more than meditation as it’s externally guided, and as well as IBS it can help you sleep better. When you are going to sleep and waking up feeling refreshed and ready for the day then you know all is well. If you are waking up early and feel constantly tired, then you know your brain is in over drive trying to solve these problems causing you stress.
Not sleeping well can also contribute to weight gain as well, so if your diet is poor then perhaps have a stress assessment to look at the things that need to change.
Call me or text “Assessment” to 07508 658934 or contact me for more information
Next article: Stress Busting tip#4