As I specialise in anxiety related problems, STRESS is the most obvious choice of words used when a client tells me about their situation. I know from experience however that it’s rarely one single thing that is the problem but a whole range, from not being able to cope with particular people through to recovering from an illness.
Case Study 1
OCD sufferer Chloe developed her constant hand washing condition after becoming infected after the birth of her child. Her doctor had told her she had not been very clean and that’s what had caused the infection. Points off for the doctor, who should have known better. This would have been a simple case to crack if it were not for her husband’s best friend. He was always around and really wound Chloe up, but she knew her husband would not tell him to go away. I wanted to help Chloe think about this person in a different light, but she wouldn’t, even though she realised his presence meant she kept washing her hands. The doctors also missed the fact that as she had an infection, which they had treated with antibiotics, then her stomach flora could have been upset and so that contributed greatly to the OCD.
Hypnotherapy is effective, however results may vary and success in not guaranteed. Full client commitment is important. Please read FAQ’s for more details.
Case Study 2
Susie had come to build her confidence in driving. Most of the time it was OK, but there were certain roads, which made her panic. As we went from week to week making good but slow progress, she realised that she was in fact stressed by her job as a carer. She would have to rush from one client to another with no breaks in-between. This was a revelation to her, but that wasn’t all. A few weeks into therapy she had another revelation when she realised her panic attacks happened outside her husband’s best friends house. The reason being she’d been in a relationship with him before she met her husband, but hadn’t told her husband her history. As soon as she realised this she plucked up courage to tell him, he was fine about it, her panic attacks stopped, she found a better job and she felt great, and her confidence in driving came back.
Hypnotherapy is effective, however results may vary and success in not guaranteed. Full client commitment is important. Please read FAQ’s for more details.
Case Study 3
Mark was a company director of a large construction company. He had a passion for mountain biking, but had recently experienced panic attacks when cycling up hill. He didn’t know why and when I asked him how stressful his job was he replied moderate. However, it was anything but moderate. He was the health and safety executive officer for the UK, a big responsibility and over a couple of weeks he realised he was health and safety checking everything at home, his family and his cycling. He hadn’t had a week off in over a year, and I pointed out that he could be on the verge of burnout. 9 sessions with me, he had found another job, had a week’s holiday in the sun with his family, and was cycling up hill again with no problem.
Hypnotherapy is effective, however results may vary and success in not guaranteed. Full client commitment is important. Please read FAQ’s for more details.
Penny Ling is a widely experienced hypnotherapist who has worked with everyone from top executives to stroke victims since 2007. She has been editor of Hypnotherapy Today Magazine and is a supervisor and mentor for members of the AfSFH and NCH.
Read Penny’s inspiring story “How I beat all my phobias”, or find out more how hypnotherapy could help your problem by downloading “How Solution Focused Hypnotherapy can help with life”. Feel free to send Penny a message here.