I know how stressful a wedding can be from experience. It starts with where to have it, who to invite and how much it’s going to cost. Many of us have an imagine in our minds of how we want the day to go, but that puts an enormous amount of pressure, not only on yourself, but everyone else involved too. Everyone from the best man making the speeches, to the bridesmaids making sure they’re not going to tread on the train (yep that happened when I was a bridesmaid) to the bride herself being center of attention. All these things cause our anxiety to rise.
So what to do?
- Start planning early
- Give yourself false deadlines
- Rehearse – not just with the vicar but you can write down how you would like it to be.
- Make sure the people making speeches can cope with the stress, if not then suggest something like hypnosis to help.
- Start a relaxation regime at least 6 weeks in advance, so you feel calm on the day
- Exercise – that will help not only with toning up to fit the dress but help mentally too.
The truth is marriage is up there with death, moving house and divorce as one of life’s major stresses, but it doesn’t have to be.
Often we want it to be PERFECT, but that puts extra stress on you. When I married I didn’t want all the fuss of a large wedding, so I made it low key and invited only immediate family and best friends. In all there was about 25 of us and it allowed me to really enjoy the day. Remember when you have a large wedding and invite everyone you know, they may not know others there and that can be quite a lonely experience, especially if you’re single.
So hypnotherapy can help by reducing stress, improving skin conditions, helping lose weight and rehearse the day.
Hypnotherapy is effective, however results may vary and success in not guaranteed. Full client commitment is important. Please read FAQ’s for more details.
Also see: How to beat Wedding Day nerves
Penny Ling is a widely experienced hypnotherapist who has worked with everyone from top executives to stroke victims since 2007. She has been editor of Hypnotherapy Today Magazine and is a supervisor and mentor for members of the AfSFH and NCH.
Read Penny’s inspiring story “How I beat all my phobias”, or find out more how hypnotherapy could help your problem by downloading “How Solution Focused Hypnotherapy can help with life”. Feel free to send Penny a message here.