Last Christmas, a survey carried out in Australia looking at how Christmas negatively impacted on family relationships. Around one third of both men and women surveyed said that family relationships suffered during the Christmas period due to work life balance. On top of this, financial worries at Christmas took up another one third.
Many in particular, it was found that being around family and extended family for long periods of time added to the stress. Excessive food and drinking alcohol also made matters worse. If a couple were having any difficulties, it always became more difficult with an increase in divorce applications after New Year.
Around one fifth of those surveyed – where the family unit was made up of children from previous marriages – found that the arguments around who was spending Christmas with whom also put a great pressure on relationships.
But this doesn’t just affect families; this time of year also brings greater number of people with depression into the clinic. Especially those that live on their own, who find all these TV programmes with happy, smiling families just too much. Also, Australian Christmases takes place in warm sunshine and their report did not note any seasonal related conditions like SAD (seasonally adjusted depression) – which can be treated by being outside in the sunlight more, SAD lamps and talking therapies.
Whilst online shopping, has made preparing for Christmas a lot easier these days, the added stress of the perfect Christmas perpetuated by the media in advertising as taken over the stress of fighting one’s way through shops.
There is also a higher risk of dying around this time of year, partly because it’s winter and those who experience poor health are more likely to catch viruses, but also the stress of Christmas increases the chances of heart attacks. Loneliness too can exacerbate health conditions, and increase feelings of depression.
So if Christmas means stress loneliness and depressed feelings, Hypnotherapy can help you get through the holiday season and start thinking more positive.
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Penny Ling is a widely experienced hypnotherapist who has worked with everyone from top executives to stroke victims since 2007. She has been editor of Hypnotherapy Today Magazine and is a supervisor and mentor for members of the AfSFH and NCH.
Read Penny’s inspiring story “How I beat all my phobias”, or find out more how hypnotherapy could help your problem by downloading “How Solution Focused Hypnotherapy can help with life”. Feel free to send Penny a message here.