September 14th – 20th 2015
No it’s nothing to do with maths, it’s about how knowing your blood pressure numbers could save your life.
The ‘silent killer’ as it is known, has no symptoms. The only way to know you have high blood pressure is to get a blood pressure check.at your GP surgery. Healthy blood pressure reading should be below 135 mmHG for the upper reading and below 85 mmHg for the lower reading for good health
Unfortunately many of the medications prescribed for high blood pressure can often have pretty nasty side effects. Statins for example often make you feel achy and decrepit. In these cases you need to insist to the GP to prescribe different ones to find what’s best for you.
There are 2 types of high blood pressure – one is caused by physical problems with the kidney function and the other is the result from lifestyle.
To tackle high blood pressure without the use of medication takes time and dedication, but it can be done. The lifestyle choices that can effect Hypertension are
- Alcohol consumption
- Salt consumption
- Fat consumption
- Lack of exercise
- Smoking
Using Hypnotherapy to change these lifestyle choices can help you put your health back in your control.
Blood Pressure Case Study 1
Karol is in her late 60s and has struggled with weight all her life. She has followed many of the well known diet groups and although she has lost weight, it’s always piled back on again. She also suffers with high blood pressure and a problem with her legs that makes exercise difficult. Hypnotherapy helped focus her mind and to stick to a healthy eating plan, which also included cutting out glasses of wine with her dinner. Being more relaxed and in control meant that she was able to come up with an exercise plan that suited her – swimming.
Over a period of 6 weeks she lost a stone and her blood pressure reduced to normal levels. She was over the moon as she never thought there was a connection between her mind and the blood pressure. Armed with this knowledge she was able to go back to her doctor and he helped her change medication to a much lower dose. She carried on losing another stone over the next couple of months.
Know your numbers today – book an appointment with your GP – if it’s a high reading then Hypnotherapy can help – text Hypertension to 07508658934