March 9th National Stop Smoking day
Do you want to break the hold this habit has over you?
You probably are aware of all the dangers of smoking and the benefits of switching to something safer by now. There’s no doubt that the increase in using vaping – e-cigarettes – is down to the message getting through. However, back in December, research from the University of California hit the news. They published warnings that the smoke from vaping can expose cells to dangerous chemicals that eventually change the DNA, and when left untreated lead to cancer.
Professor Wang-Rodriquez said, “Based on the evidence to date, I believe they are no better than smoking regular cigarettes“. Even e-cigarettes that contain no nicotine have also been shown to damage cells found in the mouth and oesophagus – and lead to cancer.
Vaping Study Harvard
Another study released by the Harvard School of Public Health found that they also pose a different threat than their nicotine-filled counterparts. The study found that 3/4 of flavoured e-cigs contain Diacetyl, a flavouring chemical linked to cases of a severe respiratory disease called Popcorn lung.
Despite its odd name, it mostly leads to scarring in the tiny air sacs in the lungs. Scarring leads to excessive coughing and shortness of breath not too dissimilar to that seen in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
One of the three top toxins — diacetyl, acetoin and 2,3-pentanedione — was found in 47 out of 51 e-cig flavours. The concern is that the flavours -which range from buttered popcorn to fruit – will attract younger consumers and so introduce them to a habit, which is avoidable and unnatural.
A past client had his jawbone removed and part of his shin bone implanted into the jaw to keep the structure of his face. I can tell you it’s an awful thing to have done. For several clients, just describing this poor man was enough for them to give up smoking for good. My grandfather suffered a stroke because of his smoking. It left him partially paralysed and with the mind of a child. He had to be looked after 24 hours a day, not something family members want to do.
Smoking is a false friend
You could describe tobacco as a fake friend. Many people are drawn to smoking to fit in with their peer group. They wrongfully believe it helps them relax. It increases blood pressure when you inhale – it’s a bully; however, once it’s got hold, it doesn’t let go. It’s the most dysfunctional relationship you will ever have in your life. Imagine a friend who won’t let you do anything unless they say. They insist you keep making poor choices and eventually they will lead you to an early death.
I once had a friend who had fallen from her horse and broken her back. Over five years, she gradually learnt to walk again. Then she met Larry. He seemed sweet and attentive, fulfilling her need to be nurtured. But when she did get better, the relationship turned ugly, as he became jealous of everything she did and the contacts she had. He would lock her in the cupboard under the stairs like Harry Potter every time he went out. Finally, she escaped and put out an injunction on Larry to make sure he couldn’t harm her any more. And that is how I see the relationship to smoking.
Proud to be a quitter
So how does hypnotherapy help people stop? Well, it speaks to the part of the brain that keeps you performing the same habit and asks it to find something else to make them feel better instead. If we address just the conscious mind, we find people put up barriers, but with the unconscious, it can accept suggested changes.
Also see: Smoking cessation