Another year another Stoptober
Last week, one of my friends on Facebook posted their success story of “Stoptober”. Three years ago she gave up smoking and hasn’t looked back.
If you’re having problems trying to give up smoking throughout the month of October, then hypnotherapy can help. Smoking may only take one two-hour session or two one-hour sessions depending on whether you’ve had hypnosis before. Smoking is an unnatural act and so the subconscious mind will understand that it’s easiery to give up something at something unnatural.
Both smoking and drinking are habits often created by us often to fit into a social group or to alleviate stress, one must look at one’s lifestyle to see where our needs are not being met.
Top tips to helping you kick the drinking or smoking habit.
- Keep the end goal in your mind, if you sign up to go sober. You’ll be helping other people as well as yourself. This focus can keep you on the right track.
- Think of what you can achieve – by the end of the 31 days, you’ll have a much clearer head and you’ll be sleeping better.
- Get your friends on board – it’s easier to do things when your friends or family can help you.
- Become the designated driver – you’ll be the most popular person in your group of friends and you’ll have to stay sober so you will be doing yourself a favour.
- Use hypnotherapy to change the behaviour.
How giving up can help productivity
If you’re in business, then being able to give up smoking can help you become more productive. It can help employees who may be suffering from Monday blues. How many hours of the day are missed by employees standing outside smoking? Better health plus better sleep can all aid productivity.
If you’re an employer in the Oxfordshire area then get in touch to see how I can help your company benefit.
About Stoptober
- Stoptober is a campaign run by Public Health England in partnership with local authorities and the NHS. The campaign lasts 28 days because the evidence says if you can stop smoking for 28 days you are five times more likely to give up for good.
- CNHC’s register is accredited by the Professional Standards Authority for Health and Social Care.
- All practitioners registered with CNHC have demonstrated they meet UK-wide standards.
Also see Smoking cessation
Call or text “stoptober” to 07508 658934 or contact me to book a consultation