Accepting the things you cannot change is a step towards reducing your stress. How? Worrying about things you know you have no control over uses up a lot of energy. If you do not have the influence to change matters then make changes you do have control over.
Case Study 1
Jenny was working for an IT company which was run by a family. The head of the family was a bully and expected everyone to do exactly what he told them to do. He ruled over the management – the rest of his family – and they in turn used the same humiliating tactics to make sure all the staff did exactly what was required.
On the surface it looked as if it was a successful company, but it was one of fear and lacked any creativity, as no one was allowed to come up with alternative suggestions despite people like Jenny having considerable experience. Jenny became more and more depressed until the situation became hopeless and she left feeling a failure. She had no job, and could have gone freelance but the depression left her with no self esteem or confidence in her abilities.
A friend managed to convince her to work in his company but it was out of the frying pan into the fire. Now with some money coming in, she decided to seek help and chose hypnotherapy. This allowed her to stand back from the situation and be able to see she was not to blame. Slowly she accepted the situation she found herself in and realised she had to find a company to work for that wasn’t family run, and that encouraged innovation. Over 6 months she gained confidence, built her self esteem, left her job and went travelling and when she got back, she signed up to an agency so she could try lots of different types of work and find the one that fitted her.
Changing a difficult situation is not always possible, especially if it involves someone you have a close relationship with, a son or daughter or a spouse. By accepting situations as they are you can concentrate on all the things you do have control over. Accepting something you have done and maybe apologize if you have caused someone else stress can help reduce feelings of guilt.
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Next article: Stress busting tip #5
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Penny Ling is a widely experienced hypnotherapist who has worked with everyone from top executives to stroke victims since 2007. She has been editor of Hypnotherapy Today Magazine and is a supervisor and mentor for members of the AfSFH and NCH.
Read Penny’s inspiring story “How I beat all my phobias”, or find out more how hypnotherapy could help your problem by downloading “How Solution Focused Hypnotherapy can help with life”. Feel free to send Penny a message here.