The Picture Frame

near miss with lorry? The picture frame technique helps reduce trauma

The picture frame is a useful tool if something happens and you start to get flash backs or intrusive thoughts. Do the following:

  1. Imagine the picture is in a large, ornate picture frame and put it to one side.
  2. When you get the thought again, place it in a smaller picture frame and place to one side.
  3. As you get each flashback, make the frame smaller and smaller.
  4. Finally, the frame should be so small you can no longer see the picture within it.
  5. Keep going with the exercise until you no longer experience those intrusive thoughts.

Intrusive thoughts are the result of the brain trying to make sure you don’t repeat the thing which caused great fear. It is part of the fight or flight response. Whatever happened, your brain decided it needed to make sure your life isn’t going to be threatened again, so it creates these reminders. They are not helpful though as when you’re driving, to have continuous flashbacks can ramp the anxiety right up and be dangerous itself.

See tools page for any more tools and tips which may help. The Swish is similar.