Feb 8 – 14th

2016 is the 10th Anniversary of Tinnitus Awareness Week and the theme this year is of Prevention. Many people have mild tinnitus but the brain screens out the noise so they can ignore it, however I am one of those 10% of the population in the UK who suffer with chronic tinnitus. I admit it is self inflicted, too many heavy metal concerts in my teens contributed to it being a problem in my 40’s.
It is caused by damage to the fine hairs in the ear canal, which become damaged over time, and the noises we hear are the feedback signals. It can be a sign of becoming deaf, as the brain tries to compensate for the lack of real signals passing through.
Sometimes it can be triggered by an adverse reaction to medication, there is also a link with high blood pressure and narrowing of the arteries, and a small number of people it can be genetic.
I have noticed that my tinnitus gets worse when I’m tired or when in a place which is quiet, and others realise it’s worse when they are stressed.
How Hypnotherapy can help tinnitus
Hypnotherapy does not cure tinnitus but it helps reduce the stress of suffering, and when you’re more relaxed you don’t notice it as much. Plus you don’t react to it in a negative way. Often people become stressed when they experience a medical condition, which cannot be cured, and so acceptance is all part of the process. If we accept that this is going to be part of our lives, whether we like it or not, then we don’t get so stressed about it as much.
Hypnotherapy can help in another way; I give out a CD to help people sleep better and this is a fantastic tool to help people drift off to sleep, distracted from the constant whistling, ringing and booms.
Ignoring the tinnitus can become increasingly difficult and some people slip into a depressed state as their sleep becomes more problematic.
Prevention is key, there are a variety of ear plugs on the market now that help filter out the damaging noises but still allow other noises through. So a person can still hold a conversation or a woman can still hear her baby cry.
Unfortunately many youngsters are just willing to take the risk like I did. I am now paying the price but I am managing it with my own recordings.
So to find out how I can help you with reducing your stress, and to help with sleep call on 07508 658934 to arrange for a consultation or contact me.