Feet on floor bottom on seat mindfulness exercise
The feet on floor, bottom on seat is a great mindfulness exercise to do what sat down. In the car, on a bus or train. It helps calm ourselves down and focuses on our immediate surroundings away from the feelings of anxiety.
Fofbos Step 1
Sit down in a comfortable position.
Take nice slow, deep breaths. Pushing the diaphragm up, letting a lot of breath in. Then slowly release. Get a nice steady in-out breathing pattern going.
Focus first on your feet. Notice how your feet feel in your shoes. Where your shoes hug your feet. The temperature of the immediate surroundings. How does the area of where your shoes make contact with the floor feel? Be curious about the sensations. Perhaps wiggle your toes.
Fofbos Step 2
If you find thoughts popping into your head, then switch to the sensations you feel around your bottom.
Note the sensations of where your bottom, legs and back make contact with the chair. Does it feel hot or cool? As you focus on it, do you feel yourself becoming heavier?
Keep noting the different sensations you’re feeling and when thoughts intrude, then switch again to your feet.
Note how your feet feel in your shoes again. Do they feel different than before? Have they become hotter or cooler? How does the area of where your shoes make contact with the floor feel again? Can you feel your toes?
If you find thoughts popping into your head, then switch to the sensations you feel around your bottom.
Note the sensations of where your bottom, legs and back. Do they feel hotter or cooler than before? What else do you notice? Any changes?
Keep repeating this process until you feel more relaxed and back to normal.
Useful for:
Driving confidence
Exam nerves
Interview and public speaking nerves