The newspapers have been up in arms about the stupid antics of the general public when it comes to chasing Pokemon. In Hastings the lifeboat was launched as three girls fully clothed walked into the sea whilst chasing the rather cute little creatures on their mobiles. Two men in California walked off a cliff!
I have to admit I haven’t succumbed, nor would I. I’m afraid I used to be one of those geeky types back in the early 80’s running games off a BBCB computer, a black and white TV and a tape cassette. I’ve had the tea shirt and lost total interest. But that’s not to say I disapprove of others having fun, and I discovered a positive side to the game.
A few weeks ago I came downstairs in clinic to call my 16 year old agoraphobic client upstairs to be met by her and her brother running through the door after running up and down the road catching the funny figures. Her brother had previously been a bit of a couch potato and she was afraid to leave the house.
Since the introduction of Pokemon he had done thousands of steps each day chasing these things and my client had run down a road she had never been to before.
“Wow!” I said, you were obviously having so much fun you forgot all about your phobia.” “yes” she replied, “I was engrossed I didn’t really pay attention to where I was or who was around, I caught 3 pokemon more than my brother”.
So next time you see newspapers moaning about the latest craze, think about the benefits it may have. That’s rather solution focused I believe.