Weight issues in the 21st century

As a child growing up in the 1970s and 80s. It always struck me that the only people I knew with a weight problem, were members of my family who had prepared food as a living. As a child and teenager, I was really skinny, but then so were many of my peers. Since then I’ve puzzled as to why today, obesity has become such an immense problem.
Weight management is actually more complex than just calories in versus calories burnt according to the Journal of Obesity Research and Clinical Practice. This research done at the York University, Toronto has found that there’s a lot more to obesity than this idea. It’s not that we are all slobbing around a lot more or the fact that our diets are higher in calories.
The research shows that changes in:
- sleep patterns,
- exposure to more light at night,
- Stress levels
- reduced variability of temperature in our homes,
- stress levels,
- later pregnancy age,
- changes in our gut microflora due to the kind of food when out eating.
Are all having significant effect
I found this interesting because up until I moved away to Oxford 31 years ago. I’d grown up in a house with no central heating. Since then at home and at work. I have found ambient temperatures to be way too high. We already know that exposure to the blue light from screens from our computers; TVs, tablets and phones are all causing problems with our sleep patterns. And this in turn is affecting our ability to deal with things during the day, hence increasing our stress levels.
By changing all these variables to get back to pre-1980 ways of living may be difficult in this high-tech connected world. My own suggestions are to get out more and exercise, eat home-cooked proper food, and reduce the amount of activity of high-tech gadgets.
One way to start improving sleep is by hypnotherapy. About 75% of people coming to seek help for any problem. Also have sleep issues. So to start your weight loss program today start sleeping properly.
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